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MEI Mars VN 4510 MDB 24 Volt Coin Mech 4 tube

Quick Overview

Mars VN 4510 MDB 24 Volt Mech For Machine Vending Application

Standard MDB Multi Drop Bus Coin Mech

4 tubes of coins can be configured to different payouts by changing tubes and re-programming unit

ability to accept and dispense gold $1 coins for breaking of large bills

high capacity and self filling

can be used with credit card processing system

Availability: In stock


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Mars VN 4510 MDB 24 Volt Mech For Machine Vending Application Standard MDB Multi Drop Bus Coin Mech 4 tubes of coins can be configured to different payouts by changing tubes and re-programming unit ability to accept and dispense gold $1 coins for breaking of large bills high capacity and self filling can be used with credit card processing system
Weight 5.0000
Manufacturer Mars MEI
Color blue
Country of Manufacture United States
PDF Url No
Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price $185.00

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